Tag: communications

Connect wins 12-month contract with Data-Driven Innovation initiative

A robot appears in a blue circle to the left of this image. To the right of the robot are the connect and DDI logos.

It is always exciting to win a new contract, but the Connect team is particularly pleased that our latest success is thanks to a unanimous vote.

The Data-Driven Innovation (DDI) initiative team scored us highest in three independent evaluations, praising our editorial approach in particular.

Following an in-depth tender process, we were chosen by the Edinburgh-based DDI to deliver a number of campaigns and develop a range of communications assets..

Our content-based approach, ideas and strong and successful track record impressed the judging panel. 

Over the next 12 months we will support DDI to raise awareness of the initiative’s positive impact and success stories. This will include the production of DDI’s detailed Annual Report, which will showcase 20 case studies from its innovation hubs. 

We will also run a comprehensive and strategic social media campaign about the groundbreaking projects under way.

The DDI’s various teams are focused on finding answers to some of the world’s most pressing problems – from food production to the climate emergency. 

The £660 million initiative’s research and development is all taking place right here in Scotland, in Edinburgh’s university district. This includes at the state-of-the-art glass and chrome Bayes Centre on Potterrow and at the former Royal Infirmary on Lauriston Place, which will soon reopen as the Edinburgh Futures Institute following an extensive refurbishment. 

DDI is also home to the world’s largest supercomputer, housed at the Edinburgh International Data Facility.  

We have had the pleasure of working with the DDI previously, including to produce the 2022 Annual Review. 

Our Managing Director Alan Ramsay said: “It’s always brilliant to welcome a client back, particularly when we hear we scored the highest on all the independent evaluations of the tenders.

“It’s a really exciting initiative delivering real impact to Edinburgh and South East Scotland, so we’re looking forward to telling their stories to a wide variety of stakeholders in many different formats.”

If you would like to discuss our work and how we can help you achieve your communication and/or publishing goals, please reach out to our team on +44(0) 141 561 0300 or email us at hello@connectmedia.cc

The Importance of International and National Holidays in Communications

An image of a phone screen showing our Time to Talk Day campaign for IIRSM and a laptop showing the Nature-Based Solutions podcast being played on Spotify.

Whether it’s International Women’s Day or World Book Day, national and international holidays are a crucial part of any organisation’s communication strategy.

Taking part in these occasions has a myriad of benefits for your brand awareness, and there’s bound to be one that aligns with your business objectives. 

Light-hearted occasions such as National Pizza Day can really show off your company’s personality, whereas marking important dates like International Women’s Day provides an excellent opportunity to let your audience know you’re committed to being an equal and fair employer. We’ve previously helped many of our clients with their International Women’s Day campaigns, including The Weir Group. We worked with them on their Women of Weir campaign, shining a spotlight on some of their inspirational female employees. With all these special dates, it’s important to do what’s right for you and your business. Developing a catchy line like ‘Women of Weir’ made the day their own and allowed the organisation to not only show the people behind the business but highlighted the fact that they support their female employees.

Addressing holidays can also position your company as an expert in your field. Commenting on topics such as Stress Awareness Day or World Wildlife Day by adding and highlighting thought pieces and attracting an audience that you may not have reached previously is an excellent way to build these days into your overall company communications strategy.

The International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM) was keen to highlight its commitment to promoting positive mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, so it was only fitting that we helped the team develop campaigns for Time To Talk Day and Stress Awareness Day. Using simple graphics in IIRSM branding to highlight their professional development webinars in stress management, psychological safety and more meant a higher chance of the right people finding their content, while positioning themselves as an organisation that values mental health as well as physical.

Weeks like National Apprenticeship Week (5-11 February 2024) offer opportunities to highlight our clients’ commitment to training the talent of the future. We worked with GMG Construction to develop an article that reaffirmed their dedication to investing in apprentices. We highlighted some achievements in this area – including that more than 90% of GMG managers were once apprentices! 

With SELECT and SECTT, the charitable body which oversees the training programme for electrical apprentices, we worked together to promote their podcast Sparks’ Remarks. This is a podcast for electrical apprentices, by electrical apprentices, which aims to attract new talent to the industry. Highlighting it during this topical week meant increased visibility for their message from the people that matter most to them. 

And speaking of podcasts – even they have their day! International Podcast Day, which is observed on September 30, provides an excellent opportunity to market your podcast. 

We’ve been lucky to work on many thought-provoking, engaging, creative and essential podcasts for our clients, including Space Intelligence’s Nature-Based Solutions podcast and UKRI’s Emissions: Impossible? Learn more about our podcast offering here.

So no matter your platform or content, there’s bound to be a holiday that works for you and your company’s communication strategy. 

March is a jam-packed month with the likes of World Book Day and International Women’s Day, but April is no different! With April Fool’s Day, World Art Day and Earth Day just some of the holidays coming up, now’s the time to reassess your communication strategy.

And that’s where we come in! Take your communications to the next level today, by chatting to our friendly team at +44(0) 141 561 0300 or by emailing hello@connectmedia.cc